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Re: Feature : Back History


Hi Michael,

that's an interesting idea. The forward and backward arrows could get menus for navigating to the most recently visited days, just like in a browser. Added to the TODO list. Please get in touch, if anybody wants to work on this.


Am 29.07.2017 um 22:39 schrieb michael hays:
Feature request : A back history of recent days/entries visited.

I have encountered a need for this many times : I will be going through editing older entries and remember another thing to fix, then search out and edit those other entries to fix, then when finished with those entries will want to go back to the original entries I had previously been editing. Similarly, while editing past entries, will jump to today's entry to add more notes, then wish to quickly return to the past entry I was editing. It would be convenient if there was a back history, something like in a web browser, where you can right click on the back arrow to show a list of your recent pages you had visited.


