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Testing version 0.2


Hi list,

I tested the version 0.2 that Andrew sent us mid October. 

The tests were made on two computers A and B in several configurations :
- A running always the version 0.2 of remote-help-assistant,
- B running either the version 0.1 or the version 0.2,
- A and B being either on the same LAN
- A and B communicating to each other thru the Internet, either behind a
router, or directly connected to the net
- when a router was used, tests with or without the UpnP feature of the
router activated.

Not all possible configurations have been tested yet. There are anyway
some interesting results now.
The tests and the results obtained are listed in the here attached file

Notice that, in order to perform some tests, I had to modify the value
of TESTLEVEL in the file debugger.py.
TESTLEVEL was initially set to 2. I had to set it to 1, namely to enable
the tests with the UpnP features. 

Concerning tests 3, 4, 11 and 12, it seems that the sshd server must now
reside on the helper side. It is right?  I thought that with version 0.1
this server could reside on either side. Having it only on the helper
side shouldn't be a problem at all.

I could make the version 0.2 work only in a very few configurations. May
be I've done something wrong... But..

Has anybody also tested this version and, in this case, what are the
results obtained?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Pierre (aka Erpiu)

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