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RoHC Packet Builders and Decoders


Hi All,

I find something erroneous in the way *'Generic Extension header List'* field
in the IR & IR-Dyn Compressed Headers is built for IPv4 Headers and RTP

Although RoHCv1.2.0 does not support List Compression at the moment for IPv4
extension headers and RTP CSRC list; in the case of IPv4 'Dynamic part'
(Section of RFC3095)  & RTP 'Dynamic part' (Section5.7.7.6 of
RFC3095) the *'Generic Extension Header List'* field should be packed with
1byte of 'zero' as this field is mandatory and not optional. This is
inferred from the packet notation guidelines provided in (Section 5.2 of

Without this single byte addition I think that the IR & IR-Dyn do not
conform to completely to RFC3095. Is my understanding correct.

Orville Andrade