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Re: rohctunnel problem (Was: Re: ROHC)



> Thanks Didier. I tried capturing tcpdump on eth0 but it dint show
> complete info about the compressed packet and its size.
> I have tried the same way as it is been given in tunnel.c with the
> following command :
> ./rohctunnel rohc0 remote local port 5000
> [...]
> sendto failed: Invalid argument (22)
> write_to_udp failed
> [...]
> According to the program the compressed statistics has to be shown on
> one system and the decompressed statistics has to be shown on the
> other system..
> But I am getting only compressed statistics on the system which I
> ping..But not receiving the decompressed statisics on the other
> system.. And also when i terminate the ping application i says 100%
> packet loss.. What might be the problem.?? Could ypu please help out..

The rohctunnel application fails to send UDP packets on your network
(see the "write_to_udp failed" error message in the logs). The other
system receives nothing, that's why it prints no stats.

Maybe the local address is not affected to the underlying
eth0 interface ? Please, post the result of the following commands
(run them as root):
  # ip -4 addr
  # ip -4 route


Didier Barvaux
Viveris Technologies
