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Message #00235
Re: [Question #121711]: change of marker field in RTP
Question #121711 on rohc changed:
Status: Needs information => Open
jawad Ahmed Saleemi gave more information on the question:
Thanks Dildier, I solved the problem.
> To: jawad.saleemi@xxxxxxxxxxx
> From: question121711@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Rohc] [Question #121711]: change of marker field in RTP
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 21:07:29 +0000
> Your question #121711 on rohc changed:
> Didier Barvaux posted a new comment:
> > What do you mean by "Depending on the change in the marker field of RTP header,
> > the packet type must change to U0-1 type but unfortunately its not the case." ?
> > Do you have a test case, so I can reproduce the problem you encounter ?
> Jawad, do you have any additional information regarding the problem you
> raised?
> Regards,
> Didier
> --
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