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[Question #181472]: bug when use "-o"command


New question #181472 on rohc:


I test the rohc library. I input the command "test -c rohc.pcap smallcid source.pcap" and I get the right result. But when I input the command "test -o ofilename.pcap -c rohc.pcap smallcid source.pcap". Bug appears as follow:



D:\Program Files\SlickEditV16.0.2\project\rohc>Debug\rohc -o d:\ofilename.pcap -
c d:\rohc.pcap smallcid d:\source.pcap
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-15"?>
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:84 rohc_alloc_compressor()] creating compres
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:84 rohc_alloc_compressor()] creating compres

        <packet id="1" comp="1">
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:192 rohc_compress()] size of IP packet = 92
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:218 rohc_compress()] IP protocol = 17
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:979 c_get_profile_from_packet()] UDP port =
0x139c (5020)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:227 rohc_compress()] using profile 'RTP / Co
mpressor' (0x0001)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:1207 c_find_context()] no context was found
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:1121 c_create_context()] take the first unus
ed context (CID = 0)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:1161 c_create_context()] context (CID = 0) c
reated (num_used = 1)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:1388 c_piggyback_get()] add 0 byte(s) of fee
dback data
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:293 rohc_compress()] compress the packet #1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/common/ts_sc_comp.c:89 c_add_ts()] Timestamp = 244480
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/common/ts_sc_comp.c:105 c_add_ts()] state INIT_TS
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:837 c_generic_encode()] SN = 60813
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:6318 changed_dynamic_both_hdr()] check for c
hanged fields in the outer IP header
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:860 c_generic_encode()] send_static = 0, sen
d_dynamic = 0
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:868 c_generic_encode()] ip_id = 0x02fc, cont
ext_sn = 60813
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2351 update_variables()] ip_id delta = 0xfff
f156f / 4294907247
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2352 update_variables()] ip_id bits = -1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2362 update_variables()] sn bits=-1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2705 decide_packet()] IR state
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2939 code_IR_packet()] code IR packet (CID =
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/cid.c:74 code_cid_values()] CID = 0 => no add-CID
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2956 code_IR_packet()] type of packet + D fl
ag = 0xfd
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2960 code_IR_packet()] profile ID = 0x01
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:2966 code_IR_packet()] CRC = 0x00 for CRC ca
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3231 code_ipv4_static_part()] version = 0x40

[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3236 code_ipv4_static_part()] protocol = 0x1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3246 code_ipv4_static_part()] src addr = c0
a8 11 03
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3254 code_ipv4_static_part()] dst addr = c0
a8 11 06
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_udp.c:468 udp_code_static_udp_part()] UDP source port
= 0x8813
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_udp.c:473 udp_code_static_udp_part()] UDP dest port =
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:452 rtp_code_static_rtp_part()] RTP SSRC = 0x439
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3445 code_ipv4_dynamic_part()] TOS = 0x10, T
TL = 0x40, IP-ID = 0xfc02, df_rnd_nbo = 0xa0 (DF = 1, RND = 0, NBO = 1)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:520 rtp_code_dynamic_rtp_part()] UDP checksum =
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:540 rtp_code_dynamic_rtp_part()] part 2 = 0x80
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:548 rtp_code_dynamic_rtp_part()] part 3 = 0x72
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:554 rtp_code_dynamic_rtp_part()] part 4 = 0xed 0
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_rtp.c:560 rtp_code_dynamic_rtp_part()] part 5 = 0x00 0
x03 0xbb 0x00
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/c_generic.c:3032 code_IR_packet()] CRC (header length =
38, crc = 0xdd)
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:368 rohc_compress()] ROHC size = 90 (feedbac
k = 0, header = 38, payload = 52), output buffer size = 5120

------------------------------ Compare ------------------------------
packets have different sizes (88 != 90), compare only the 88 first bytes
[0xfd]  [0x01]  #0x3a#  [0x40]        [0xfd]  [0x01]  #0xdd#  [0x40]
[0x11]  [0xc0]  [0xa8]  [0x11]        [0x11]  [0xc0]  [0xa8]  [0x11]
[0x03]  [0xc0]  [0xa8]  [0x11]        [0x03]  [0xc0]  [0xa8]  [0x11]
[0x06]  [0x13]  #0x88#  #0x13#        [0x06]  [0x13]  #0x2f#  #0x16#
[0x9c]  [0xc2]  [0x6f]  [0x96]        [0x9c]  [0xc2]  [0x6f]  [0x96]
[0x43]  [0x10]  [0x40]  [0x02]        [0x43]  [0x10]  [0x40]  [0x02]
[0xfc]  [0xa0]  #0xa3#  #0xb3#        [0xfc]  [0xa0]  #0x00#  #0xa3#
#0x80#  #0x72#  #0xed#  #0x8d#        #0xb3#  #0x80#  #0x72#  #0xed#
#0x00#  #0x03#  #0xbb#  #0x00#        #0x8d#  #0x00#  #0x03#  #0xbb#
#0x2d#  #0xae#  #0x9f#  #0xa0#        #0x00#  #0x00#  #0x2d#  #0xae#
#0x65#  #0xbc#  #0x5f#  #0x63#        #0x9f#  #0xa0#  #0x65#  #0xbc#
#0x8e#  #0xcc#  #0xa2#  #0xfc#        #0x5f#  #0x63#  #0x8e#  #0xcc#
#0x9d#  #0xfb#  #0x1d#  #0xd1#        #0xa2#  #0xfc#  #0x9d#  #0xfb#
#0xd1#  #0x96#  #0x63#  #0x9e#        #0x1d#  #0xd1#  #0xd1#  #0x96#
#0xa0#  #0x67#  #0x2d#  #0xc2#        #0x63#  #0x9e#  #0xa0#  #0x67#
#0x51#  #0xcb#  #0xf2#  #0x41#        #0x2d#  #0xc2#  #0x51#  #0xcb#
#0x92#  #0xf3#  #0x9e#  #0xc1#        #0xf2#  #0x41#  #0x92#  #0xf3#
#0x67#  #0x5e#  #0xa5#  #0xc3#        #0x9e#  #0xc1#  #0x67#  #0x5e#
#0x65#  #0xfa#  #0x3b#  #0x90#        #0xa5#  #0xc3#  #0x65#  #0xfa#
#0x84#  #0x2d#  #0x61#  #0xc5#        #0x3b#  #0x90#  #0x84#  #0x2d#
#0xad#  #0x92#  #0x5d#  #0xb1#        #0x61#  #0xc5#  #0xad#  #0x92#
#0x64#  #0xb5#  #0xb3#  #0x17#        #0x5d#  #0xb1#  #0x64#  #0xb5#
----------------------- packets are different -----------------------

[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:432 rohc_decompress()] decompress the pa
cket #1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:587 d_decode_feedback_first()] skip 0 by
te(s) of padding
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:929 rohc_decomp_decode_cid()] no add-CID
 found, CID defaults to 0
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:670 d_decode_header()] ROHC packet is an
 IR packet
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:681 d_decode_header()] profile 0x0001 fo
und in IR packet
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:707 d_decode_header()] context with CID
0 either does not already exist or does not match profile 0x0001 found in IR pac
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/d_generic.c:2301 d_generic_detect_ir_size()] dynamic c
hain detected
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/d_generic.c:2352 d_generic_detect_ir_size()] length of
 fields 2 + 4-7 = 19 bytes
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/d_rtp.c:326 rtp_detect_ir_size()] RX flag not set
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:1056 rohc_ir_packet_crc_ok()] size of IR
 packet header : 38
[ERROR] [../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:1069 rohc_ir_packet_crc_ok()] CR
C failed (real = 0xdd, calc = 0x92, profile_id = 1, largecid = 0, addcidUsed = 0
, ir_size = 38)
[ERROR] [../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:722 d_decode_header()] IR packet
 has incorrect CRC, abort all changes
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:444 rohc_decompress()] state in decompre
ssor = 1
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:503 rohc_decompress()] feedback curr 100

[../rohc-1.3.1/src/decomp/rohc_decomp.c:504 rohc_decompress()] feedback max 300

Decompression failed, cannot compare the packets!



                                <profile id="1" name="RTP / Compressor" version=
"alpha" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="2" name="UDP / Compressor" version=
"1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="8" name="UDP-Lite / Compressor" ver
sion="1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="4" name="IP / Compressor" version="
1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="0" name="Uncompressed / Compressor"
 version="1.0b" active="yes" />

                        <context type="compressor" cid="0">
                                <profile>RTP / Compressor</profile>
                                <packets sent_total="1" sent_ir="1" sent_irdyn="
0" recv_feedback="0" />


                                <profile id="1" name="RTP / Compressor" version=
"alpha" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="2" name="UDP / Compressor" version=
"1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="8" name="UDP-Lite / Compressor" ver
sion="1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="4" name="IP / Compressor" version="
1.0b" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="0" name="Uncompressed / Compressor"
 version="1.0b" active="yes" />

                                <profile id="0" name="Uncompressed / Decompresso
r" version="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="2" name="UDP / Decompressor" versio
n="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="4" name="IP / Decompressor" version
="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="8" name="UDP-Lite / Decompressor" v
ersion="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="1" name="RTP / Decompressor" versio
n="beta" active="yes" />

                                <profile id="0" name="Uncompressed / Decompresso
r" version="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="2" name="UDP / Decompressor" versio
n="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="4" name="IP / Decompressor" version
="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="8" name="UDP-Lite / Decompressor" v
ersion="1.0" active="yes" />
                                <profile id="1" name="RTP / Decompressor" versio
n="beta" active="yes" />



[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:141 rohc_free_compressor()] free contexts
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:145 rohc_free_compressor()] free feedback bu
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:141 rohc_free_compressor()] free contexts
[../rohc-1.3.1/src/comp/rohc_comp.c:145 rohc_free_compressor()] free feedback bu


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