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Re: ROHC robustness (Was: Re: Fw: Linux kernel support)



> > # dpkg−query −−search rohc
> rohc-lib: /usr/local/include/rohc_packets.h
> rohc-lib: /usr/lib/librohc_comp.so.0
> rohc: /opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates/service/rohc/interface/node.tag/execute-script
> [...]

OK. Interesting. There are 2 packages: one for the ROHC library, one
for the "rohc" program and what seems to be a TC scheduler.

Please send me the output of the following commands (run as root) to
find out from where the 2nd package comes:
 # dpkg −−info rohc-lib
 # dpkg −−info rohc
 # cat /usr/share/doc/rohc/copyright
 # cat /usr/share/doc/rohc-lib/copyright
 # file /opt/vyatta/sbin/rohc
 # ldd /opt/vyatta/sbin/rohc
 # modinfo /lib/modules/3.0.32-1-586-vyatta/kernel/net/sched/sch_rohc.ko
 # modinfo /lib/modules/3.0.32-1-586-vyatta/kernel/net/sched/sched_rohc.ko

Did you install the vyatta software yourself or was it pre-installed on
the hardware?


Follow ups
