1.We used mvn to create tar.gz and I'll add documentation for that.
2. The command is simple: "parameter1='some_value1' ...
parameterN='some_valueN' disk-image-create element1 ... elementM -o
Some files in ~/.cache/image-create/ are owned by root (for example, it
is file SHA256SUMS*). So, we need to use 'sudo' for cleaning this directory.
3. This script should not be run with itself. And the command
"disk-image-create" should not be run with itself too.
Thanks, Ivan.
2013/9/3 Matthew Farrellee <matt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:matt@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Long weekend here in the US, so I didn't get a chance to comment
before this was merged, so...
Re Oozie - How did you create the oozie-3.3.2.tar.gz?
Re sudo image-cache - That's not the case for me, the wget is run
without sudo. How are you running disk-image-create?
Re DIB_work - it's best practice to use /tmp for temporary work, and
mktemp. This script running concurrently with itself will result in
unknown output.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Change in stackforge/savanna-extra[__master]: Add
diskimage-creating script, elements for mirrors
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 14:37:36 +0000
From: Ivan Berezovskiy (Code Review) <review@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: iberezovskiy@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:iberezovskiy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Sergey Lukjanov <slukjanov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:slukjanov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>, Dmitry Mescheryakov
<dmescheryakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:dmescheryakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>,
Nadya Privalova <nprivalova@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:nprivalova@xxxxxxxxxxxx>>, Matthew Farrellee
<matt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:matt@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Ivan Berezovskiy has posted comments on this change.
Change subject: Add diskimage-creating script, elements for mirrors
Patch Set 6: (16 inline comments)
File diskimage-create/diskimage-__create.sh
Line 11: export
We don't use custom tarball. It is our own tarbal. Please, show me
link, if you know, where I can download oozie with all binary files.
Line 15: if [ $str = 'NAME="Ubuntu"' ]; then
Package 'redhat-lsb' is not preinstalled in some Fedora images like
cloud image. So, we can't use this command.
In DIB you can see script 02-lsb
that install this package.
Line 21: fi
Line 24: sudo rm -rf /home/$USER/.cache/image-__create/*
Image caching execute under 'sudo'. You can try to delete images
without sudo and you'll see 'premission denied'
Line 31: cd DIB_work
Why? This directory will be removed after creating images.
Line 41: export DIB_COMMIT_ID=`git show --format=%H | head -1`
Line 42: cd ../
Line 48: export SAVANNA_ELEMENTS_COMMIT_ID=`__git show --format=%H |
head -1`
Line 49: cd ../
Line 64: fi
We can't use 'lsb_release' as I said before.
File diskimage-create/README.rst
Line 7: 1. If you want to change build parameters, you should edit
this script at 'export' commands.
Line 9: 2. If you want to use your local mirrors, you can specify
urls for Fedora and Ubuntu mirrors using parameters 'FEDORA_MIRROR'
and 'UBUNTU_MIRROR' like this:
Line 15: 3. If you want to add your element to this repository, you
should edit this script in your commit (you should export variables
for your element and add name of element to variables
File elements/apt-mirror/root.d/0-__check
Line 2: if [ -z "$UBUNTU_MIRROR" ]; then
File elements/yum-mirror/root.d/0-__check
Line 2: if [ -z "$FEDORA_MIRROR" ]; then
File README.rst
Line 10: * Script for creating Fedora and Ubuntu cloud images with
our elements and default parameters. You should run command only:
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Gerrit-MessageType: comment
Gerrit-Change-Id: I12632b5cee42b1dbfd79b7b7c3a7b__26962ace625
Gerrit-PatchSet: 6
Gerrit-Project: stackforge/savanna-extra
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Ivan Berezovskiy <iberezovskiy@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dmitry Mescheryakov <dmescheryakov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Gerrit-Reviewer: Ivan Berezovskiy <iberezovskiy@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins
Gerrit-Reviewer: Matthew Farrellee <matt@xxxxxxxxxx
Gerrit-Reviewer: Nadya Privalova <nprivalova@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Gerrit-Reviewer: Sergey Lukjanov <slukjanov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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