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savoirfairelinux-openerp team
Mailing list archive
Message #00371
Re: lp:~extra-addons-commiter/e-commerce-addons/7.0-sale-method into lp:e-commerce-addons
Review: Needs Fixing code, no test
l35: one space to be removed
l434 and l435 aren't aligned as well
l436: missing #
What about removing those trailing and bothering # as you did in sale_payment_method/
in xml files name of the module is named in header comment shouldn't we change it to new name sale_payment_method for this splitted part?
l488 misleader name for view this one is in sale_payment_method and not in sale_quick_payment
l600 + l1222
import of decimal_precision should be
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
in pay_sale_order.xml there is another
<field name="type">form</field>
you can remove as you did it in edited xml files
Your team extra-addons-commiter is subscribed to branch lp:e-commerce-addons.
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