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Re: I'm the one bleeding...


Mr. Cerna,

It is certainly not my intention to make you bleed!  In order to avoid
further unnecessary loss of blood, let me (as customer) describe my

1. Use the SchoolTool gradebook to track grades.
2. Use the SchoolTool gradebook to enable students to see their grades.
3. Use CanDo assignments to enter competency scores.
4. Use SchoolTool to enable students to see their competency scores.
5. Use CanDo messaging to enable students to communicate with me about
their competency scores.
6. Use SchoolTool gradebook external activities to generate scores
from CanDo assignments.
7. Use SchoolTool gradebook to calculate report card grades.

These have been my requirements since the beginning of the year.  I
don't have a preference for how this is configured.  I leave it up to
you smarter and wiser ST developers to tell me that.

*Please* tell me if my requirements are unreasonable or unmeetable at
the present time.  If they are unmeetable, please tell me which
requirements specifically are unmeetable, so that we can plan

Tom pointed out that the next period of time (as we prepare for Lucid)
is all about stability and consolidation.  That sounds eminently
reasonable and proper to me.  I hereby commit myself to bite my tongue
when I so much as think about a new feature until the release of
Lucid.  It is my understanding, however, the my list of 7 requirements
above are part of the current feature set of the tool.  Aside from 5
(using the messaging system), the other 6 requirements are essential
if ST is going to be of any use to me as a classroom teacher.

Please advise as to how we should proceed forward.

Regretting your loss of bloodfully yours,


On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Douglas Cerna <douglascerna@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mr. Elkner:
> You and your "bleeding edge" >:( After THREE HOURS I'm the one bleeding. I didn't find answers, I did a stinky hack: to delete the old term not the old school year! Now Erika can check her grades and you don't lose the Manage tab.
> In the meantime I found some potential problems with your instance. We created it like one or two weeks ago, right? Since then, SchoolTool has had lots of last minutes changes and your instance is using eggs that don't exist anymore! That could bring sync problems in the future. A evolution script bit my butt when I tried to use the latest schooltool.gradebook functionality. But that is the price for "bleeding edge", right?
> Anyway, I applied my hack in your production instance. Try things out and let me know if everything you need right now works.
> See you later, since it's already Sunday!
> Douglas
> "... allí­ es cuando te das cuenta que las cosas malas pueden resultar bastante buenas..." - Lionel Messi
> Por favor, evite enviarme adjuntos de Word, Excel o PowerPoint.
> Vea http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.es.html

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