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schooltool-developers team mailing list archive

Re: Welcome to the SchoolTool Grant/Pilot Project


2010/6/3 Tom Hoffman <tom.hoffman@xxxxxxxxx>:
> What's the timeframe at this point for a CanDo .deb that works for
> Lucid?  What are the remaining steps?  I don't want David to be
> mucking around with these source packages.

I have been packaging the dependencies of CanDo for Lucid today. Not
done yet. Will also package current CanDo trunk.
I expected to be finished today (Friday), but too late. Packages for
testing should be available in Monday.

I have created a blueprint to track status of done and remaining steps
at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cando/+spec/use-schooltool-1.4

It is difficult for me to understand if anything got broken by
upgrade, because I get internal server errors, invalid format errors,
csv import of competencies does not work, gradebook does not save
grades... Don't know if those are regressions or bugs that existed


Follow ups
