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Re: Views and evolution for intervention contacts


On 03/14/2011 06:59 AM, Alan Elkner wrote:
Hey Justas,

Could you please look at the last two commits I made to my refactoring
branch, lp:~aelkner/schooltool.intervention/test_coverage, the first
being for fixing the views and the second for evolution.  I'd like to
discuss them in detail at the meeting.

For the view changes, they mostly have to do with updating the widget
to work with the new attributes.  I moved the getPersonsResponsible
method out of schooltool/intervention/intervention.py into the widget
__init__ method itself since it was only being used there anyway.  The
widget code is cleaner now.

It would look better if you moved it to PersonListWidget.getPersonsResponsible.

It could use more refactoring like that. For example move code "# set student from field, view type" to .getStudent, or even a @property def student(...).

"# build responsible, notified and changed lists of contacts" part could also be remove from __init__ for starters. I just like my __init__'s without heavy logic...

  But that's personal preferences - just wanted to share.

I thought it was a good idea to replace my redundant form key logic
with the supplied adapter from the contact package, but that does lead
to a problem with testing in that the form keys are not easily
dissected for their parts.  Perhaps we should have another '.' in the
'persons.%s%x' to allow us to get the user id easily using split('.').
  I had to write a new method in my tests called choiceControl that
finds the checkbox control based on the user id and parent index, but
it has to use startswith() which breaks if I have ids like 'teacher'
and teacher2', one starting with the other.  Fortunately I don't have
such ids, but it is a vulnerability for anyone changing the tests in
the future.

One thing that may help you is using labels in your page template. For checbox

<input type="checkbox" name="remove_item.contacts.Contact-2-..." id="remove_item.contacts.Contact-2-..." />

  Also render a label instead of span

<label for="remove_item.contacts.Contact-2-...">Peter Peterson</label>

  Then you can just
>>> browser.getControl('Peter Peterson').click()

  This is not 100% solution, but it might ease your testing.

Another thing that would be nice is if we had an adapter that goes
from the form key back to the contact.  I just loop through all the
possible contacts in my widget to find a match which works but is less
You can actually do that now. Internals of index are kind of exposed for usage at the moment, as in - we don't have nice wrappers.

   catalog = ICatalog(self.context)
   index = catalog['form_keys']
   contact_ids = set(index.values_to_documents.get(your_form_key, ()))

  Here len(contact_ids) should be exactly 1.

One thing that I left out of the evolution is the persons_responsible
catalog which is now keyed by the relationship property rather than
the list of ids as it was before.  I didn't write that evolve step yet
because I wanted to discuss it first to make sure it was okay to have
the index carrying the relationship properties in the first place.
Doesn't that cause the problem of having to visit too many objects
while looping though the index?  Isn't that why we try to use strings
like ids in an index when possible?  If so, what strings could we
carry there, InitIds?  You can look at my commit from earlier in the
week for the catalog changes and also the InterventionFilterWidget
class that uses the catalog for comparison.

  Well, current interventions catalog has some issues.

Being Catalog(FilterExtent(FilterImplementing(IInterventionMarker))), it updates only when objects implementing the marker change.

This means that person names won't be updated (because IContact changes, not IInterventionMarker). With current table formatter implementation, we can use only one catalog, so just put a fat XXX there.

Same theoretically goes for schoolYearId; but as it's cataloged value not used AFAIK, I'd just remove it from catalog.

As for relationships, yes, you can store object ids for now. Yet another thing that needs work in core...

Also, this is a good time to replace the old catalog style with a newer one, see changes too schooltool/contact/* and the evolution script here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~justas-pov/schooltool/catalogs/revision/2646

Anyway, besides the small catalog evolution step which I can add to
evolve7 after we decide what to do, I think evolve7 looks good and is
well tested.  Let me know if you think otherwise.  I tested it
manually as well with a database I created using a checkout of trunk,
and it worked well there, too.  Only thing that didn't work was the
intervention tab view which will work better after we resolve the
catalog issue.

Just a small note - you are actually doing three tests there. Please split to three separate doctests.

