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Re: Person Info Manager


On 06/14/2011 09:10 AM, Alan Elkner wrote:
Hey Justas,

I'm creating flourish versions of the person info manager and viewlets
because Tom wants them rendered differently.  The server won't start
because it doesn't recognize the flourish version of the manager in
the 'previder:' statement in f_person_view_details.pt.  Please have a

  Two small issues:
1) changed "provider:" to "context/schooltool:content/...", because you are now using flourish viewlet manager (that is also a content provider) and not the old content provider 2) specified the view for the manager. Since f_person_view_details.pt template is bound to FlourishPersonInfo view, inside the template the context is BasicPerson and the view is FlourishPersonInfo; itself being subclassed from flourish.page.Content.

Viewlet managers register to flourish.interfaces.IPage by default. Good or bad, that was the design decision.

  Fix committed to central sprint branch.

