--- On Tue, 6/19/12, Justas<justas@xxxxxx> wrote:
In the nutshell, to test the exported XLS you need:
Could you please share the buildout configuration you use to run the schooltool/export/stests/export.txt test and the command line call?
I tried to run trunk's tests and I got a TimeoutException in line 16:
The reason is that my Chrome is downloading the export.xls file to /home/replaceafill/Descargas instead of the parts/tests/downloads directory and downloads.new() returns an empty list (so the timeout).
I tried to specify an explicit option in the command line like:
bin/test -t export.txt --selenium-downloads-dir /home/replaceafill/sandboxes/flourish_trunk/parts/test/downloads
but I still get the export.xls file in my /home/replaceafill/Descargas folder. Do I need to change something in my Chrome configuration?