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schooltool translation files


Hi everybody,

need some hints for the translation of schooltool. As far as i know
there are some german language strings in the schooltool packages but it
seems me that this strings are not shown if i use the language path
element: ++lang++de, only the Date string is translated from 
"Sunday, April 12, 2009" to "Sonntag, 12. April 2009"

but no other strings. from reading the schooltool/README.txt file there
is some procedure with "make update-translations" explained but this
down't for for me.



Translation templates live in src/schooltool/locales/*.pot, they are the
translatable strings extracted from the source. Translation templates
are used
to update other translations and create new ones. You can generate them
this command:

  $ make extract-translations

Translation files live in src/schooltool/locales.  There is a
directory for each language that contains a subdirectory called
LC_MESSAGES that contains the .po files and the compiled .mo files.
The .mo files must be present if schooltool is to use them and are
built by the command:

  $ make update-translations

XXX: At present there is no easy way of compiling .mo files in the
     tarball and the _source_ tarball does not contain them.

To start a new translation, create a language directory and
LC_MESSAGES and use src/schooltool/locales/*.pot as a templates (copy
them to the new directory and rename them as .po).  Generate .mo files
with msgfmt (or by calling make update-translations).


May be this README is a little bit out of date?

Any help is wellcome

Thomas from Cologne

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