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Our Story Thus Far...


I've been running behind in my task of writing documentation for
SchoolTool, but finally hit a major milestone today in completing the
page on creating sections.


This is a big bottleneck in the documentation process, since you
(usually) need to create a lot of structure (years, terms, persons,
courses, timetables) before creating sections, and you can't do
anything interesting until after you've got them.  And you don't
necessarily understand why you need all the preliminary steps until
you put them all together in a section.

A couple reasons this has been going slowly:  I have also been using
this process as my comprehensive review of SchoolTool 1.0, so every
page of documentation also generates 5 - 10 bug reports.  All the
little annoyances are going into Launchpad.  Also, the entire tutorial
that the screenshots is being scripted using Selenium IDE, so that
when the interface changes or when someone wants to translate the
entire process, all the screenshots can be systematically updated.

So, I'm unhappy with my own pace on this, but I am happy with the
quality and robustness of the product thus far.  I'll keep grinding
away next week.  Next stop: the mysterious new report card system.
