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Find out what sections the student is in, was in or going to be in


Pick the scenario where the school management is mostly on sections or
courses, the clerk would frequently need to check what sections /
courses a certain student is participating or participated, or plan to
participate. There is no straighforeward way to do so now (I hope
I am wrong!).

3 improvements can be done to make the clerk to be able to do her job.

First calendar approach. The clerk can click a student and check his
calendar, drill down the calendar to figure out the list of courses he
took. But she doesn't find what sections he is in. Perhaps the
minimal-change solution is to display section name along course name
in the student's calendar.  It is not very convenient thanks to the
steps needed to get the result.

Second method is to produce list of sections of students. It can
either be a single big report table of sections by students covering
all students, or, one list of sections per student, on each student's
profile page. The former is more convenient for clerks while the
latter can include students as the users.

Third, a roster table of all lessons of a student (instead the existing table of all students of a lesson) can help.

If you think one of the proposed solution for the scenario is
feasible, please I'd like your comments on them and your
recommendation which / what should be filed as feature request. Thanks
in advnace.

Zhang Weiwu

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