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Re: force arch note


Hi Chris,

Thanks for the feedback...
more below:

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 12:00 PM, Chris Camacho <c.camacho@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

>  Thanks for updating the website if I'm honest it did have be staring
> dumbly at the
> screen for a few seconds before I saw it!
> anyhow by why of feedback, I have noticed some issues
> when loading an example from the website
> (3D Object Wireframe (1-Sprite 1-Script with Rotation).sb)

> I noticed a very long start up time (on a q6600 cpu) and it apears to be
> only using
> one thread? I've noticed a significant improvement even on atom cpu's by
> making
> a separate render list to deal with drawing and another for the logic

Yep, it is somewhat slow in these cases. We're mostly focusing on Scratch
2.0  these days, which will be based on flash, so it's unlikely we'll be
making big changes to the old squeak code base.

> might it also be an issue with running 32bit s/ware on a 64bit platform?
> There appears to be no "install" target in the Makefile
> the omission of this will reduce the number of code contributions...

Ah - we've left this up to the package maintainers, but perhaps we should
add it.


> Best
> Chris
> On 25/05/10 14:30, Amos Blanton wrote:
> Thanks Chris! We'd gotten that from another community member. We'll update
> the page now.
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 6:59 AM, Chris Camacho <c.camacho@xxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> on your website it says
>> sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture ./scratch_1.4.0.1-0ubuntuX_i386.deb
>> which does not work
>> this does
>> sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i ./scratch_1.4.0.1-0ubuntu5_i386.deb
>> notice the order of the params v's the archive name...
>> Best
>> Chris
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