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[Question #141376]: X 1.0rc1: Can't find dependent libraries Win32Util.dll


Question #141376 on Sikuli changed:

Summary changed to:
X 1.0rc1: Can't find dependent libraries Win32Util.dll

Description changed to:
********** read: https://answers.launchpad.net/sikuli/+question/140519
(He did it finally ;-)


 The scripts run perfectly fine when I use the IDE. I'm trying to run my
sikuli script from cmd line using this cmd:

Sikuli-IDE.bat -r
-s > C:\working\trunk\Log.txt

It works fine on my Vista and 7, but on XP, I get this error message:

java.lang.unsatisfiedLinkError: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
c:\working\trunk\libs\Win32Util.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

I tried looking in that folder and I found "VisionProxy.dll" &
"Win32Util.dll" copied to that location. I wanted attach that dll file
here, but I don't know how. :(


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