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[Question #160542]: Every time only 2 objects are returned from findAll function


New question #160542 on Sikuli:

Choose.png &Choose1.png are the Images to be searched in Screen.
which has 4 similar Objects..& find all Shud return 4 different regions.
But instead it returns only 2 matched region.

please have a look at it & help me.

If you need those images..please let me know,where & how can i send it??


String qlist = new String();

Pattern QTextbox = new Pattern(imagePath + "android/imgs/Choose.png");

QTextbox.similar((float) 0.3);

Iterator<Match> match=s.findAll(QTextbox);

Pattern QTextbox1 = new Pattern(imagePath + "android/imgs/Choose1.png");

QTextbox1.similar((float) 0.3);

Iterator<Match> match1=s.findAll(QTextbox1);

Region Rfind = null;

System.out.println("\n New Serach");

for(int i=0;i<numOfQuestionsToBeCreated;i++)


     System.out.println("\nStrings : " + qlist);
     Rfind =match.next().inside();
     System.out.println("Region Returned :"+i+"= " + Rfind);



for(int i=0;i<numOfQuestionsToBeCreated;i++)


   System.out.println("Strings : " + qlist);
   Rfind =match1.next().inside();
   System.out.println("\nRegion Returned :"+i+"= " + Rfind);



Console OUTPUT For Above code::

New Serach

Strings : Choosea question ~ 
Region Returned :0= Match[677,373 124x14] score=0.97, target=center
Using substitute bounding box at (222,2)->(239,5)
PyramidTemplateMatcher: source is smaller than the target
[log] CLICK on (739,380)

Strings : Choosea question 
Region Returned :1= Match[677,332 124x14] score=0.92, target=center
[log] CLICK on (739,339)
PyramidTemplateMatcher: source is smaller than the target

Strings : (`hnnsea nuestinn 
Region Returned :0= Match[677,414 109x13] score=0.98, target=center
PyramidTemplateMatcher: source is smaller than the target
[log] CLICK on (731,420)

Strings : fhnncnA nuncrinn 
Region Returned :1= Match[677,331 109x13] score=0.92, target=center
PyramidTemplateMatcher: source is smaller than the target
[log] CLICK on (731,337)

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