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Message #04593
Re: [Question #167514]: sikuli test not working when executed via command line
Question #167514 on Sikuli changed:
j posted a new comment:
sorry for commenting so much here, but I'm really confused about this..
I just tried something:
I took RaiMans Script (calcTest.sikuli) -> works, and saved this script to different names.
This is the console log of sikuli ide:
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/a.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/b.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/c.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/d.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/e.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/f.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/x.sikuli/
[debug] save to bundle: C:/Tests/m.sikuli/
Then I run all of the scripts with sikuli-ide.bat -t <filename.sikuli>
The Results (reproducable):
a.sikuli -> Find Failed Exception
b.sikuli -> Find Failed Exception
c. sikuli to e.sikuli -> Working fine
f.sikuli -> [error]:null
x.sikuli -> [error]:null
m.sikuli -> Working fine
Can you or anyone else confirm this behaviour or is this defenitely my
Sikuli-installation/Computer messed up somehow?
All this Tests are stored in C:\Tests\
Sikuli is installed in C:\Programme\SikuliX\
both paths do not contain whitespaces and no special characters except \ and :
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