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Message #04964
Re: [Question #169697]: Capture screenshot without IDE
Question #169697 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Open => Answered
RaiMan proposed the following answer:
You can always use the Sikuli IDE to capture and store your images.
A .sikuli, containing all your images can be imported, so all images are
available in your script when using the Jython layer. From Java it is
just filenames. You should have a naming convention for your images.
Since the capture in the end is a simple 5 liner (or less ;-) based on
the Java Robot and image-io, you might integrate this function in a Java
based app easily. Or you might just use Sikuli's capture function that
in the first run returns an image in memory.
You have to look into the sources, because this it not a publicly
documented API.
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