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Message #05668
Re: [Question #169859]: Availability? Android: using Monkey runner? Mac: Cocoa Accessibility API?
Question #169859 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Open => Answered
汪啸 proposed the following answer:
I tried this on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, But the script could not deal with the .py script location correctly.
I used following .bat file
@echo off
set SIKULI_SCRIPT_JAR=sikuli-script.jar
set ANDROID_ROBOT_JAR=android-robot-0.2.jar
java -cp %SIKULI_SCRIPT_JAR%;%ANDROID_ROBOT_JAR% -Dandroid.path=%ANDROID_SDK_HOME% org.sikuli.script.SikuliScript %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
I got following errors:
[info] Sikuli vision engine loaded.
[info] Windows utilities loaded.
[info] VDictProxy loaded.
[error] Can't run this Sikuli script: IOError: [Errno 2] File not found - D:\Tech\Sikuli\\ (The system cannot find the path specified)
You can see that Sikuli parsed the script file wrong with two .py file names in the path.
I used the sikuli-script.jar from the windows version of Sikuli 1.0 rc3 r905 version download from Sikuli's homepage
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