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[Question #173098]: Instead of better IDE... why not using Eclipse or Net beans


New question #173098 on Sikuli:

I see a lot of request for better sikuli-ide.... i don't understand why it is even a focus of development. If anything make better support for Eclipse and NetBeans. And documentation should include fully qualified names for each class object or method object. when using Eclipse i noticed i had to used full qualified names. 

I use "Print Screen" and paint to get my screen shots. I use sikuli-ide for regions and that's about it.

i save everything int standard Python(Jython) style format. then use this an make my own short cut.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -cp "C:\Program Files\Sikuli X\sikuli-script.jar" org.python.util.jython "C:\path\to\myscript.py"

exampile of how my stuff looks



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