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Re: [Question #141886]: remote execution in sikuli-x


Question #141886 on Sikuli changed:

Rahul Misra posted a new comment:
Sikuli version 1.0rc3 (r905)

The issue is image files are not being found. Here is the error log:

java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Exception in processStep
Caused by:

FindFailed: can not find C:\cygwin\home\builder\atf\atf\php\koc\built\classes\koc\imgs\no_thanks.png
Line ?, in File ?
	at org.sikuli.script.Region.handleFindFailed(Region.java:374)
	at org.sikuli.script.Region.wait(Region.java:467)

I am also capturing a image dump when there is an exception and that png
is all black.

Appreciate the help. I think if I can make this work, we should publish
a doc on sikuli wiki for this. Any automated harness execution
environment will need this.


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