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Message #06089
[Question #174068]: (Brazilian Portuguese) Get a image value or text
A question was asked in a language (Brazilian Portuguese) spoken by
none of the registered Sikuli answer contacts.
Hello everyone, I am to take one to doubt that I could not searching on google, I do not look right, but if I try to explain here, if one understands, perhaps a doubt that can take is to make the Sikuli observe the image, see a word or text in it and recognize and transform into an int or a string variable, like, wanted you to see this image:
this image contains aa word "talk", I was wondering if there a function or method that it recognizes the word and store in a variable, type the Sikuli see that there is a word or value written or carved on the image and store in a variable , example:
a = method (image)
sorry I could not explain my doubt right, but if someone understood, can you help me?
Thank you.
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