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Re: [Question #179357]: Getting Started With Sikuli


Question #179357 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

vivek is still having a problem:
Thanks for the reply RaiMan
I am actually new to programming so i m not familiar with java unit testing

Following your advice, I have been writing simple sikuli scripts and
running them from the command line.

the next thing i was trying to do was to run the few tests i had written
from a main.sikuli script using a test suite and following the faq 1804
but it isnt working

the moment i put anything before the def in the script, the tests dont
work from the unit test in the ide or even from the command line.

I had put from sikuli import * at the beginnning of xxxx.sikuli (Thats
before the defs) and its not working now.  am i doing it all wrong?

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