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[Question #179617]: Since command line execution - Sikuli IDE is no more accessible


New question #179617 on Sikuli:

Yesterday, I tried sikuli script execution from the command line.
The commands worked just fine.

But surprisingly since them on selecting Sikuli IDE shortcuts, the IDE does not appear.

The commands I tried were 
1. E:\calculator.sikuli> "d:Program Files\Sikuli X\Sikuli-IDE.exe" -r e:\calculator.sikuli
2. E:\calculator.sikuli>java -jar "%SIKULI_HOME%\sikuli-script.jar" E:\calculator.sikuli

On selecting either of Sikuli IDE or Sikuli EDE.exe javaw.exe starts but the IDE is not presented.

The above two command line commands are still working.

How do I get the Sikuli IDE to appear again?

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