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Message #09726
[Question #192860]: Copy empty field, Env.getClipboard() not returning correctly
New question #192860 on Sikuli:
Hi guys,
I have a question regarding clipboard. I have been trying to avoid using paste() with Env.getClipboard(), still it doesn't work as i expected.
I have 3 textboxes. I need to start from top (textbox 1, read and replace the value, then move to textbox2 and so forth). It works fine in most conditions except when i hit textbox is empty.
Code :
print len(Env.getClipboard())
print len(Env.getClipboard())
Example 1:
Textbox1: Test
Textbox2: <blank>
Both returning me 5 and 5. I expect the result be 5 and 0.
Example 2:
Textbox1: Test
Textbox2: Hello
The results here return as expected, 4 and 5.
Any advise ?
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