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Message #11027
Re: [Question #199969]: Print the last 10 numbers, NEED A HELP !!!
Question #199969 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Solved => Open
Peter is still having a problem:
thanks for your answer,
I am idiot maybe, but how I can use that with my code writed above ?
what is last_five? How i must get input to him?
I have too many numbers.
When number is incomming, he will log him value to my list.
And I have corectly output. with 1. How many numbers was logged to List print len(myList)
2. And print which numbers are allready in list print myList
I dont know How I must write that.
OR ! :
You know how I can print last 10 numbers from myList ? Thats mean, Not
logged numbers in myList.
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