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Re: [Question #206657]: Wait for image A or B or C forever, then take action accordingly


Question #206657 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Needs information

j requested more information:
On first sight, I can't see any obvious error in your script. 
Which part is working/not working?

Does the observer fail or does the following click fail?

If one of the images is on the screen when the scripts start, and is
instantly found, your "isImgA_or_ImgB_or_ImgC = False" could overwrite
that, so I would put "isImgA_or_ImgB_or_ImgC = False" before the
RegX.observe() statements.

Also, you are doing a lot redundant searchoperations, because every
observe, exists and click triggers a new search. But this is only a
performance issue.

Also, the if exists() block has wrong indent, but I don't know if that's
just a launchpad formatting thing.

Please tell if at least the observe-part works, and make sure you have
the right regions/images so that we can exclude this as a source of the

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