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Re: [Question #211228]: Mac: Getting FindFailed when using cron to run sikuli script


Question #211228 on Sikuli changed:

lifenz posted a new comment:
Thank you for the trick RainMan.

 "atrun is still disabled here - does this hinder cron to run?"
-> I dont know, cron was built in and activated on my computer.

"But this might be the cause: the cron jobs are started in background as far as I know. So they do not have access to the screen."
-> You are probably right, cron  specific implementation on OSX may not simply work with sikuli script :(

My main goal was to implement a web page, that could run several schedule sikuli script at different defined time. 
So I supposed that crontab was the best solution. 

However, I found an interesting link in the Ubuntu community forum, according to this french thread : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=607831, cron would work on Linux Ubuntu.
The man who wrote this post succeeded in executing a sikuli script on Ubuntu using this following command : 
"*/6 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 /home/solho/Sikuli/Sikuli-IDE/sikuli-ide.sh -r /home/solho/Sikuli/9boxAUTOparams.sikuli > /tmp/log9box 2>&1" (using DISPLAY=:0  doesnt work in OSX)

Im sad that crontab doesnt work on OSX  (I was using OSX in view of
avoiding installing the sikuli's dependencies), I may try to migrate to
Ubuntu and trying again.

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