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Re: [Question #217755]: Where are pictures stored on mac, so I can use them on another computer


Question #217755 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
--- scripts
The scripts and the images together are stored on all systems in folders with the ending .sikuli.
On Mac we have the special situation, that these folders are specified as bundles (like the "folders" .app), so they look like files.
they can be opened via the context menu in finder (second entry, something like "show bundle content").

To share the scripts.sikuli over different systems, just put them on a
shared medium (network drive, Dropbox, ...).

--- reuse screenshots on other systems
this is principally possible, as long as the image on the other system looks the same pixel by pixel (slight differences in color or brightness of single pixels mostly only lead to lower similarity scores). 
So just different resolutions do not matter, as long as the image is rendered the same looking at the pixels.

One more thing:
there is a function Env.getOS (http://doc.sikuli.org/globals.html#Env.getOS), that lets you check, on what system your script is running on. So you can implement system specific code in your script (e.g. keyboard).

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