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Message #15645
Re: [Question #219548]: Passing a Region as a arguement
Question #219548 on Sikuli changed:
j posted a new comment:
You don't need any keyword, because Python does not require typedefinitions like e.g. c# does.
All you need is a name, and Python will determine its type when it is used at runtime.
So "reg" and "value" are just variable names that could contain any kind of object.
You could check if a variable has a certain type e.g. by using
if (instance(reg, Region)):
#do sth. with region
# do sth else
But normally you should know which type of variable you're going to get.
So if you write
def myTest(reg, value):
the only thing "Python knows" it that there are two objects which can be anything.
If you now use
Python will look up if the reg-object has a method with the name "exists" that takes one parameter, it doesn't care about the type of reg, only about the methods it has.
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