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Re: [Question #226291]: integrating selenium with sikuli ide


Question #226291 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
Uuups, yes you are right, but this is not Java problem, it is some
Sikuli problem, that blocks other org.xxx from the class path (same
problem is with SQL-database drivers).

so this works for me:
export CLP=/Users/rhocke/Downloads/selenium-2.32.0/selenium-java-2.32.0.jar:/Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Resources/Java/sikuli-script.jar 
java -cp $CLP org.sikuli.script.SikuliScript -i
>import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver as FF #works

the followup problem is, that the needed dependent java stuff for
selenium is not found (com/google/common/base/Function in this case)

I downloaded google-collections-0.8.jar and put it in classpath too,
which makes the above import successful.

But then
ff = FF()

yields an error, that looks like google-collections-0.8.jar is the wrong
jar version.

at this point I stop now (using Selenium is not my focus): the above
approach principally works, but now you have to find out, which selenium
jar is really needed and what dependent stuff needs to be in classpath

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