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Re: [Question #232183]: [How To] set variable value from OCR numerics


Question #232183 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Solved => Open

Phillip Kelly is still having a problem:
I have another question on a different issue. Let me know if you think I
should just open a new question for it.

I am trying to use a flag to decide where to place by bet in an online
casino baccarat game.

the flag should have 2 possible values 0 or 1, 0 for a player bet and
one for a banker bet.

the code I am using to toggle the flag does not seem to work :-

def toggle_bet(bet_int, offset):
    mask = 1 << offset
    return(bet_int ^ mask)

the code I am using to initiate the toddle is :-

if exists("win_image.png"):
    toggle_bet(bet_bit, 0)

the code I am using to test the flag is :-

if toggle_bet(0,0):
    do something

what do you think is wrong ?

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