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[Question #233001]: startup problem in sikuli


New question #233001 on Sikuli:

Hi ,

  using latest  sikuli for automating test cases.

My scenario:

Test case ---> means Test step (i.e , single step in a test document . eg : login to gmail)(each step roughly contains 100 to 150 lines of code)

Test plan --> Each test plan (ie , test document) contains  atleast  25 test steps.

Wrote scripts  in sikuli tool itself. It generates a python file after save. 

sometimes to edit a file (eg: for adding extra wait , changing offset , changing similarity %), open the file (<filename.py>) in notepad++ and edit & save it.

Run the tests from tool using "run" button.

Haven't used any logging.

using HTMLTestrunner to generate reports.

Problems  are:

while running all testcases/test steps in one run,

1.Sikuli tool display disappears(as expected) , but it gets stuck and CPU usuage goes upto 100% . It is not allowing to click any application.waited for nearly 20 minutes , but no response. Then forcefully close it. After that only, CPU usage goes down.This happens everytime .

2. In the above situation, if I pressed "alt+shift+c" continuously for more than 10 times, sikuli tool display pops up. But after that also, if I click run , no response.

3. But , Above problem 1 & 2 not happening while running only 5 test cases/test steps.

4. Even while running 5 test steps also, if I want to stop the run in the middle , even after pressing "alt+shift+c" , it doesn't stop. It just come out of that step and started to execute next step.

5. In the Test step (sample given below), if some unexpected error occurs , I want to stop whole execution automatically by the tool itself

 except FindFailed:
		print("Unexpected Error in MPLS_creation")
But it prints that message , but not exit. Alternatively it skips this step and goes to next.

much appreciated if I get answers for above problems. 
Happy to give more details if need.

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