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Re: [Question #236949]: How to compare the string from two different text file?


Question #236949 on Sikuli changed:

koventhan gave more information on the question:
i was using below script to grep Student Name output for file1 but i am
getting "TypeError::expected str or unicode but got"

my_dir = "C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\"
import re
line1 = open (my_dir+"file1.txt").readlines()
m_obj = re.search(r"Student\s*Name\s*-\s*(\S*)", line1)
print m_obj.group(1)

but if i use like below without read a file, its working fine

my_dir = "C:\\Program Files\\Sikuli X\\"
import re
line1 = "Student Name - Kumar"
m_obj = re.search(r"Student\s*Name\s*-\s*(\S*)", line1)
print m_obj.group(1)

please let me know what is the issue with my code?

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