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Message #21935
Re: [Question #237489]: How are the java files in package org.sikuli.basics.proxies generated from C/C++ code using SWIG ?
Question #237489 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Answered => Open
sai nikhil is still having a problem:
Hi RaiMan,
Finally found out the reason for findFailed of my case. The reason is
while making a SWIG call it fails to set the target. Target has correct
path and correct type, but the target->data (and target->datastart and
target->dataend) is null. That is why in find function in native level
it does not produce proper result and find is failed. Since
VisionJAVA_wrap.cxx is an auto-generated file, I didn't dare to make
changes. You have any ideas where might this might be gone wrong ? Is it
because of wrong vision.i ?
Btw, I attached running sikuli-ide.jar (java.exe) before it calls
VisionProxy.dll to my Visual Studio and started debugging :)
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