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Message #21994
Re: [Question #237974]: Capturing dynamic text list data
Question #237974 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Open => Answered
RaiMan proposed the following answer:
Sikuli "talks" Python, but the interpreter used is Jython, since Sikuli
at the bottom is Java. The Python language level surely supported is 2.5
(Jython 2.7 is under development, but currently not yet used by Sikuli)
You say: Since Sikuli knows that application its running, either one of
the previous scripting languages should be able to identify the text
within the window, no?
Clearly NO: Sikuli does not know anything about the running apps (if
automated or tested), it only sees the pixels on the screen.
... and identifying the text on the screen is implemented using the
Tesseract OCR engine (but currently the capabilities are still poor in
some situations)
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