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[Question #241166]: the sikuli 1.0.1 will quit after cilick run button


New question #241166 on Sikuli:

Dear All,
         My question is appeared after updated the sikuli version to latest one , and I install the 1.0.1 package as offline. 
         I test the same py files on Sikuli 1.0.1 which can be run in 1.0.0 version (from Sikuli-X-1.0rc3 (r905)-linux-x86_64.zip) 
         but the sikuli can't be started , I captured some picture and click run , the sikuli is shutdown itself without any message
         Here is the print I got when I use the runScripts command

" running SikuliX-Script: -Xmx512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsikuli.FromCommandLine
-jar ./sikuli-script.jar -r /usr/g/ctuser/lixihao/Sikuli/TheForeColorOfInsensitive.sikuli/
[error] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Fatal Error 110: loading: libVisionProxy.so
[error] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Since native library was found, it might be a problem with needed dependent libraries
/usr/g/ctuser/lixihao/NewSikuliVersion/libs/libVisionProxy.so: libtesseract.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[error] Terminating SikuliX after a fatal error(110)! Sorry, but it makes no sense to continue!
         what is  libtesseract.so.3 ?  How could I fix this problem?  Why don't we found this question in 1.0.0 version? 
         Please help me! Does anybody met this problem before?

Best Regards 

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