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[Question #245861]: Is there something like "exit(1)" that starts the script from a specific line like "start(1)"??


New question #245861 on Sikuli:

Is there a command that will start executing my script from a specific line, like "start(1)"??
It would be like exit(1) which stops it at that line of the code, just the other way round..

Say if I want to test my 600 line script from line 101 to 120 I would put the command "start(1)" at line 100 and "exit(1)" at line 121.
This would be amazingly helpful for debugging and checking small parts.

At the moment I have to copy and pastethe parts of my script into a new project to test and then modify the original with my corrections and then copy the midified again to test it.. this process can slow down quite a lot when I have many lines..

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