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Re: [Question #246133]: mismatched input 's' expecting NEWLINE error is raised when I tried to find a region.


Question #246133 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Eugene S proposed the following answer:

You get this error because, in your case, "activityNametext" is integer
and not an object. Please read carefully the documentation regarding
what "hover" method returns (http://doc.sikuli.org/region.html):

The number 1 if the mousepointer could be moved to the click point. A 0
(integer null) returned means that because of some reason, no move could
be performed (in case of PS may be not Found).

I am trying to understand what you are trying to achive. So if what you
want is to highlight the area on the rightside of the "activity", do:

activityRegion = Region(225,489,191,370)
activity = activityRegion.find("<pattern.png>).highlight(1) # Will find and highlight activity inside activityRegion
activity.right().highlight(1) #Will highlight everything to the right of "activity".


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