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[Question #246863]: A strange behaviour?


New question #246863 on Sikuli:

Hello team,

today i have observed a strange behaviour of sikuli.
few days back i have written some code, that time it was working fine for me.
today when i ran that code it started giving me error saying image not found.

scnario is like this:

i am refering to a folder to read the images.
this folder containd 3 images, out of these my code is able to identify 1.
rest of 2 it says not found on disk.
i have copy pasted the code again for those 2 images.
and the name get replaces with the actual image.
i tried to run again but no result.

Can you please let me know what the resion is?

i have cross varified that the images are available at the refered location.

Thanks and regards

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