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Re: [Question #246694]: Sikuli with Selenium Java


Question #246694 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
repeating things does not make it clearer.

the mentioned link shoes how to access sikuli-script.jar in a Java
program, but does not talk about specific API features like yours:

click(image, wait time)


 if (deskIcon.getProperty("Calc_Scrn").contains("200")){

So where did you get the idea, that this should work as you expect?

Did you ever look into the docs?

On the other hand I strongly recommend, to use version 1.0.1+ if you are
planning to use Sikuli for more than some playground actions.

Start here: http://www.sikuli.org/download.html
and read carefully, before doing anything.
This is important: https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-API/wiki/Usage-in-Java-programming

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