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[Question #251111]: Textsearch instead of finding screenshots


New question #251111 on Sikuli:


i am facing an interesting issue on Linux Ubuntu 14.04

I have to explain, that i had Sikuli 1.0.1 before trying to set up Sikuli 1.1.0 beta2. So i am now back on Sikuli 1.0.1.

I wrote some test code, but i get an error message, that text search is currently switched off - instead of searching the screenshot:

import org.sikuli.script.*;
public class TestClass {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
        Screen s = new Screen();
        String imgPath = "/home/snick3rs/workspace/SikuliXTest/src/images/";
        Pattern firefox = new Pattern(imgPath + "firefoxAddressBar.png").similar((float) 0.85);
        try {
                s.wait(firefox, 10);
                s.type("l", Key.CTRL, 0);
                s.type(null, "www.google.com", 0);
                s.type(null, Key.ENTER, 0);
        catch(FindFailed e) {



This should open Firefox and type the URL and then press Enter. But it does not work.

Any idea how i can fix that?

Thanks in advance.


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