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Re: [Question #251123]: [1.0.1] Can't run tests via ant script and batch file


Question #251123 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

J is still having a problem:
Hi RaiMan,

Thanks for the quick reply. I changed all references from "SIKULI_HOME"
to "SIKULIX_HOME" (including in my environment variables) and I am still
getting the exact same error. Here's a part of my Ant script in case
this helps diagnose the problem:

<target name="compile" depends="clean">
	<javac source="1.7" srcdir="${src}" fork="no" destdir="${bin}" includeantruntime="false">
			<pathelement path="${src}"/>
			<fileset dir="${lib}">
				<include name="**/log4j*.jar"/>
				<exclude name="**/sikuli*.jar" />
			<fileset dir="C:/Program Files/eclipse/plugins/org.junit_4.11.0.v201303080030">
				<include name="*.jar"/>
			<fileset dir="C:/Program Files/eclipse/plugins">
				<include name="*.jar"/>
			<fileset dir="C:/Sikuli">
				<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- Run the tests -->
<target name="exec" depends="compile">
	<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no" dir="C:/Users/tester/Documents/workspace/Automated-Tests" showoutput="yes">
			<pathelement location="${bin}" />
			<fileset dir="${lib}">
				<include name="**/*.jar" />
				<exclude name="**/sikuli*.jar" />
			<fileset dir="C:/Program Files/eclipse/plugins/org.junit_4.11.0.v201303080030">
				<include name="*.jar" />
			<fileset dir="C:/Program Files/eclipse/plugins">
				<include name="org.hamcrest.core_1.3.0.v201303031735.jar" />
			<fileset dir="C:/Sikuli">
				<include name="*.jar" />


Thank you!

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