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[Question #251433]: dragDrop behavior changed in 1.0.1 (ServiceUpdate 1.0.1) release for Java


New question #251433 on Sikuli:

In my last version of sikuli I was able to drag screen on simulators and emulators around using the following code:

		Screen s = new Screen();
		// scroll page down to unitl a greyed out video with a lock icon appears
				.similar((float) .93);
		for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
			// MobileUtils.thinktime(1000);
			s.dragDrop(SCROLL_LOCKED_VIDEO.targetOffset(60, 850),
					SCROLL_LOCKED_VIDEO.targetOffset(60, 10));

			if (s.exists("imgsAndroid/LockedVideo.png", 0) != null) {



With the latest upgrade of Sikuli jar file this method only moves the mouse to the first coordinate "60, 850" and does not drag the screen. Is there an updated way to write this method? 

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