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Re: [Question #251588]: Mac 10.9 Maverick: How to solve assistive devices trouble - faq 2453


Question #251588 on Sikuli changed:

tombrus posted a new comment:

I read that faq several times and it did not give me the essential hint
in my situation. It would be great to add my findings. Please also add a
sentence that it is not always the path of the executable of the process
running sikuli that should be added, it looks to me like it looks for
the parent process instead. Probably because you can then start
subprocesses with the same authorisation without the user having to
enable them all... just guessing here.

Maybe mention that removing and re-(auto)-adding the same app could
solve problems.

It is a pain that Apple does not provide a uniform way for an app to ask
for "assistive devices" authorisation. I can imagine a thing equal to
iPhone's asking for location services.... maybe in the future.


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