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Re: [Question #251638]: Creating confirmation dialogue


Question #251638 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
Here you are:

# this is the pythonized version how popAsk is implemented in the version 1.1.0
def popAsk(msg, title = None):
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane as JOP
    if not title: 
        title = "... something to decide!"
    ret = JOP.showConfirmDialog(None, msg, title, JOP.YES_NO_OPTION)
    if ret == JOP.CLOSED_OPTION or ret == JOP.NO_OPTION:
        return False;
    return True

# usage
if popAsk("test"):
    print "User said YES"
    print "User said NO or closed dialog"

# usage with a special dialog title
if popAsk("test", "... please decide"):
    print "User said YES"
    print "User said NO or closed dialog"

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